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What Peace Means to Me

IEARN, Learning Circles, CCE1, Fall 2012
                     School #10, Almetyevsk city, Tatarstan, Russia
  What peace means for me, student of 2nd v Grade Karina Rahmatullina
   When I think about the peace, I imagine myself in space and I look at our planet. I see a huge globe with a blue and a green tint, and in some places visible white clouds, a lot of people, living in different corners of the planet, Chinese wall, the Eiffel tower, Niagara Falls, various castles and the Statue of Liberty. I think about the animals and the birds and about many insects and fish that inhabit our planet.                          
If everywhere in the world will be peace, all the people and animals will be happy. There will be no wars and quarrels, people will help each other, care about the brothers our smaller, about the environment, people will cease to create weapons, poisonous factories. If all the people will show attention and respect to each other, the world will be cleaner and kinder.          
To make the world a calm place where people live, I can, if I will show during all my life to people surrounding me care of each other and our planet will be peaceful place. War is evil: people, animals, plants die because of the destructive power of war. Now is time for people to think about the consequences of the war and finally to start a new life in peace and harmony. I think peace is happiness for all and war is death.
                 Peace makes people free.  

Sponsor teachers : Nadejda Salikhova, Elena Zalyalova

Polina's Peace Reflections

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